International music star donates tour proceeds to pro-abortion Planned Parenthood with history of racism and eugenics

An international music star has donated a portion of his $585 million tour proceeds to charities that included pro-abortion Planned Parenthood and Physicians for Reproductive Rights.

Harry Styles, 29, formerly of One Direction, earned over $585 million from his recent tour, $6.5 million of which he has donated to charities, including the infamous pro-abortion group Planned Parenthood. 

Last year, Styles said he supported abortion: “No one can tell you what to do with your own body, it’s yours… it is your choice. Stick together and fight together.”

Planned Parenthood, the US pro-abortion giant, was founded as the American Birth Control League in 1921, in part as a means of suppressing the black American population and tackling poverty.

Its founder, Margaret Sanger, was a noted eugenicist who encouraged white supremacists such as Lothrop Stoddard, whose 1920 book “The Rising Tide of Colour Against White World-Supremacy” gained a positive review in her journal Birth Control Review.

Today, Planned Parenthood is a leading facilitator of abortions of black babies in the United States, where 247 black American babies are estimated to be aborted every day.

In 2020, Planned Parenthood removed Sanger’s name from its Manhattan abortion facility because of their founder’s “contributions to historical reproductive harm within communities of colour”.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “One wonders how much this musician knows about the pro-abortion groups he donates to, including their racist origins and the harm they still do to the black community in the United States.

“In the end, all Harry Styles has done, apart from signalling his ostensible virtue, is help pro-abortion idealogues kill more unborn babies and advance its anti-child, anti-family agenda.”

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An international music star has donated a portion of his $585 million tour proceeds to charities that included pro-abortion Planned Parenthood and Phy...

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