European Parliament demands that EU Charter of Fundamental Rights include abortion: This is “obscene”, says SPUC

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) yesterday voted in favour of a resolution demanding that abortion be included in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. SPUC has denounced the vote as an “obscene contradiction in terms that shamefully disregards the right to life of unborn children”. 

Last January, French President Emmanuel Macron appeared before the European Parliament in Strasbourg to call for the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights to include abortion. He was applauded by the Parliament, as reported at the time by SPUC.

Yesterday, on 7 June, 334 MEPs voted in favour of the resolution; 155 voted against it, and there were 38 abstentions.

MEP Susana Solís Pérez said that the vote had sent “a strong message that will resonate worldwide”, that “safe and legal abortion is a fundamental right and, as such, it should be included in our Charter”.

The same resolution also condemned the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs Wade – the infamous 1973 that imposed abortion on every US state. Following the repeal of Roe vs Wade, each state can now decide its own abortion laws.

Last month, the European Parliament also voted in favour of a resolution demanding that the US Supreme Court uphold Roe vs Wade. The same resolution said that all EU nations should decriminalise abortion, as reported by SPUC.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “European politicians have yet again elected to undermine the human rights of unborn children, as well as intrude into the domestic affairs of a sovereign nation.

“Far from exhibiting moral leadership, MEPs seek to impose an obscene contradiction in terms that shamefully disregards the right to life of unborn children, at home and abroad.

“But human rights can never include the right to kill another human being.

“Abortion is not safe; it is a violent act that kills an unborn baby, and often harms the mother, both physically and psychologically. To imply or state otherwise is simply wrong and profoundly dishonest.”

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European Parliament demands that EU Charter of Fundamental Rights include abortion: This is “obscene”, says SPUC

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) yesterday voted in favour of a resolution demanding that abortion be included in the EU Charter of Fundament...

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