Biden Presidency refuses to recognise humanity of the unborn

Jen Psaki, White House Press Secretary, speaking on behalf of the Biden Presidency, refused to recognise the humanity of unborn children at a press conference this week.

Asked by a reporter, “Does the President believe that a 15-week-old unborn baby is a human being?”, Psaki evaded the question.

Instead, she replied: “Are you asking me if the President supports a woman’s right to choose? He does.”

At the same press conference, last Monday, Psaki dodged a question regarding President Joe Biden’s Catholic faith and whether he would “reconsider” his anti-life policies after the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops voted to consider whether the President should be denied Communion.

Psaki commented that President Biden’s Catholic faith was “personal” and that he would likely “continue to attend church”.

Since his inauguration last January, Biden has sought to implement pro-abortion policies and funding, at home and abroad.

Such policies include the reversal of a Trump-era ban on abortion referrals preventing federal funding from going to Planned Parenthood.

Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill also made taxpayer money available for the funding of abortion, contradicting the Hyde Amendment, a provision that bans the use of federal funding to pay for abortions, except in instances of rape and incest.

Last month, SPUC also reported that the President would not be giving the commencement address at the Catholic University of Notre Dame this year, breaking with tradition, due to the President’s pro-abortion position. Students petitioned against him speaking at the event.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “Jen Psaki’s evasive non-answer to the great moral issue of our time was dishonest though not surprising.

“Implicit in her slippery response was the Biden Presidency’s refusal to recognise the humanity of unborn children, which is manifest, to a horrifying degree, in the President’s pro-abortion policies.

“The greatest danger to the American unborn today is the Biden Presidency.”

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Biden Presidency refuses to recognise humanity of the unborn

Jen Psaki, White House Press Secretary, speaking on behalf of the Biden Presidency, refused to recognise the humanity of unborn children at a press co...

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