President Biden to reverse Trump ban on abortion referrals in the case of federally funded family planning clinics

The Biden administration is set to reverse a Trump-era ban on abortion referrals that prevented federal funding going to abortion giant Planned Parenthood.

In March 2019, President Trump’s administration implemented a ban forbidding federal funding via Title X to family planning providers that perform abortions or refer patients to abortion clinics.

Title X, a federal family planning program, provides around $286 million in annual grants to such clinics that serve low-income individuals and families.

The Trump administration placed anti-abortion restrictions primarily to cancel funding to Planned Parenthood, the U.S. abortion giant, and its affiliates, which were serving roughly 40% of Title X patients.

Although Title X funding did not fund abortion directly, pro-lifers in the United States viewed such funding to Planned Parenthood as an indirect means of subsidising abortion.

Now President Biden and the Democrats are proposing to lift President Trump’s restrictions, and Planned Parenthood is set to receive federal funding via Title X once more.

Planned Parenthood kills an average of one baby every 89 seconds in the U.S. The abortion giant recently released its annual report for 2019-2020, revealing that their abortion procedures were at an all-time high.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “There was a reason why the abortion industry celebrated President Biden’s election victory last year, as SPUC noted at the time.

“Planned Parenthood and its allies will take advantage of the money it will likely now receive, chiefly because of the support of the Biden administration, whose representatives, including Vice-President Kamala Harris, have close ties to the abortion giant.

“As we can see, elections have consequences, especially for America’s unborn.

“This move has nothing to do with women’s health, but is, in reality, just another means of subsidising the abortion industry.”

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President Biden to reverse Trump ban on abortion referrals in the case of federally funded family planning clinics

The Biden administration is set to reverse a Trump-era ban on abortion referrals that prevented federal funding going to abortion giant Planned Parent...

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