Honduras to make it more difficult to legalise abortion

Honduras is introducing legislation that would protect its unborn by demanding a greater majority to vote in favour of future pro-abortion legislation.

The legislation would require at least three-quarters of the Honduran Congress to vote in favour of pro-abortion legislation before it could be ratified.

At this current time, a two-thirds majority is demanded for pro-abortion legislation. 

Last Thursday, 88 legislators voted to support the new measure, against 28 who were opposed, and seven abstentions. A second vote is to take place next week, which is expected to see the measure ratified.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “Given the life-denying reality of pro-abortion legislation, as well as the recent legalisation of abortion in nearby Argentina, the measure being introduced in Honduras serves to protect the unborn from the efforts of politicians who seek to rob babies of their right to life. 

“As we have seen in Argentina, only one vote at the ninth attempt was required to deny potentially millions of unborn children their right to existence.

“While any vote to legalise abortion is wrong, making that objective harder to accomplish affords the unborn an extra line of defence in the relentless war against their lives.

“It is clear, those who wish to legalise abortion have not a single care for the democratic wishes of the unborn, those who, were they themselves able to decide and given the choice, would of course elect to live.

“In this sense, this measure evens the odds by redressing the democratic deficit involved in any vote on abortion.”

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Honduras to make it more difficult to legalise abortion

Honduras is introducing legislation that would protect its unborn by demanding a greater majority to vote in favour of future pro-abortion legislation...

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