Argentina’s lower house votes to legalise abortion

A new bill to allow abortion up to the 14th week and allow termination at any point if the woman has been raped or if her life is in danger has been passed by 131 to 117.

The vote followed largescale protests by pro-life Argentines throughout the country, the largest gathering taking place outside the National Congress in Buenos Aires, where the new bill was debated and voted on.

At the time, SPUC said that pro-life Argentines had “sent a clear message to the National Congress that the lives of the unborn matter and that Congress has a duty to protect them, as well as their mothers”.

In October, the legislation was condemned by Argentine Catholic bishops as “untenable”.

This bill was the ninth attempt to pass such legislation in Argentina’s Congress.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “This is obviously a tragic and wrong decision that, if given assent by the country’s Senate, will have devasting consequences for the unborn in Argentina.

“The attack on the unborn is, of course, global and relentless, despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

“The failure of many politicians and their societies to recognise the right to life of the unborn is a blight on the world that must be confronted with renewed vigour.”

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Argentina’s lower house votes to legalise abortion

A new bill to allow abortion up to the 14th week and allow termination at any point if the woman has been raped or if her life is in danger has been p...

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