Thousands attend pro-life rallies across the Republic of Ireland

Thousands of pro-lifers attended as many as 55 “rallies for life” across the Republic of Ireland last weekend.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown, Irish pro-life rallies took place locally in the form of individual gatherings in towns and villages throughout the Republic while others attended the national event online.

Niamh Uí Bhriain, a member of the Rally for Life committee, said: “We are urging the public and TDs to rethink abortion… especially in the light of what had been revealed about abortion in Ireland, including late-term abortions and the disturbing rise in the number of abortions.”

Last week, it was revealed that 6,577 abortions took place in the Republic of Ireland in 2020. In just two years, 13,243 abortions have been carried out in Ireland.

Ms. Uí Bhriain said: “We were promised, voters were promised, that abortion would be ‘rare’ post-repeal, but for the second year in a row, we have seen a huge rise in the number of abortions carried out in contrast to when abortion was illegal in Ireland.

“This shocking rise in the abortion rate, with twice as many women undergoing abortion here as previously travelled, is indicative of the Government’s complete lack of interest in reducing the number of abortions taking place.

“The reality is that abortion is anything but rare.”

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “The right to life is the fundamental right shared by all members of the human family. It is never justified to take the life of even one innocent child but Ireland’s abortion death toll is truly horrifying.

“These statistics also expose the hypocrisy at the heart of the Irish government. Taoiseach Micheál Martin has imposed one of the strictest lockdowns in Europe supposedly to prevent the spread of Covid-19, yet his government is overseeing the killing of Irish babies on a massive scale.

“The legalisation of abortion is the greatest tragedy in Irish history. The pro-life movement is still strong but only if it remains dedicated to defending the unconditional right to life of all unborn children can it hope to bring an end to the evil of abortion.”

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Thousands attend pro-life rallies across the Republic of Ireland

Thousands of pro-lifers attended as many as 55 “rallies for life” across the Republic of Ireland last weekend.

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