First-ever Men’s March against abortion in Washington D.C.

Around 300 men took to the streets of Washington D.C. last Saturday, in America’s first-ever Men’s March, calling for an end to the “government-sanctioned daily mass murder” that is abortion.

Last Saturday, Men’s March participants congregated outside Washington D.C.’s Surgi-Clinic Abortion Centre, an infamous abortion clinic providing late-term surgical abortions.

In 2013, abortionist Dr. Cesare Santangelo was caught pledging to commit infanticide by refusing medical care to abortion survivors at the clinic.

After meeting up outside the clinic, the 300 assembled men marched peacefully through the streets of the capital towards the White House.

They carried a banner with them that read: “Let’s Stop Murdering Our Preborn Children.”

The Men’s March sees itself as a “first step toward a national men’s movement to end abortion that will strive to complement and unite the many men’s groups that are already assembled and doing good things”.

“Every abortion wounds a woman, and a man is involved in every single abortion”

Event organiser, Father Stephen Imbarrato, said: “Every abortion wounds a woman, and a man is involved in every single abortion, so I think the abortion industry, the culture of death, wants to marginalise men and tell men, ‘It’s not any of your business.’”

Tyrone Wheeler, from the New Calvary Baptist Church, said: “It takes two people to make a baby and I think that both have 100% say… in the direction of that child coming to life.”

Former abortionist, Dr. Anthony Levantino argued that it is vital that men understand the gruesome realities of an abortion procedure.

He said: “This isn’t just some embryo. It isn’t even just some baby. This is your son or daughter, and if you’re a man, you defend and support your son or daughter.”

“Responsible men stand up for the unborn”

Michael Robinson, SPUC Director of Communications, said: “The Men’s March in Washington D.C. last weekend saw responsible men stand up for the unborn, as well as for women, who are also the victims of abortion.

“Abortion is often seen as a woman’s issue. However, it should more accurately be described as a human rights issue, concerning the right to life of the unborn child and the wellbeing of the mother, as well as the father.

“SPUC supports The Men’s March in its drive to get more men engaged with the pro-life movement, fighting for the rights of unborn children and their mothers.”


First-ever Men’s March against abortion in Washington D.C.

Around 300 men took to the streets of Washington D.C. last Saturday, in America’s first-ever Men’s March, calling for an end to the &ldquo...

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