Democrat governors in two US states have vetoed bills that would have protected live babies born following failed abortions.

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Children under 12 can now be killed by a doctor in the Netherlands following the extension of the nation’s euthanasia law.

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Kathi Aultman, a former abortionist in Florida, once believed the lines the abortion industry told to justify the millions of unborn babies it kills every day: “Access to abortion is a human right.

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Over 30,000 unborn lives have already been saved as a direct result of the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the United States in June 2022.

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First Minister Humza Yousaf has reaffirmed his “unequivocal and unwavering” support for buffer zones around abortion facilities in Scotland following the SNP leadership contest.

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A man in his early 30s has written to the Mirror agony aunt Coleen Nolan about his heartbreak after his girlfriend aborted their unborn baby. “I feel broken on every level”, he writes.

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Abortion, Fathers, Men Issues, Justice
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A pro-life speaking event in Richmond in the United States was disrupted by violent pro-abortion activists who abused and punched students, leaving one woman injured.

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United States, Abortion, Pro-abortion violence, Campus
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On 8 May 2022, the office of a pro-life group was firebombed in Wisconsin in the United States. A man has since been charged with arson – all because of a burrito.

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The SNP have selected pro-abortion Humza Yousaf to replace Nicola Sturgeon as leader of the SNP.

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A US state has just approved a pro-life monument outside its Capitol building to commemorate the unborn lives lost to abortion before Roe v. Wade was repealed last year.

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A mother from south-west London has revealed how she had to fight to give birth to her son who doctors wanted to abort after he was diagnosed with Down’s Syndrome.

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A policeman from Teesside is accused of pushing his pregnant girlfriend down the stairs after she refused to have an abortion. SPUC has been highlighting the horrific reality of coerced abortion after a BBC poll found that up to 15% of British women have suffered pressure to abort a child.

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Women, Domestic Abuse, UK, Police, Coerced Abortion
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A record number of assisted suicides were recorded in the US state of Oregon last year. Almost half (46%) of the people who died via assisted suicide there in 2022 reported they felt they were a “burden”. Some could not even pay their medical bills.

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Hundreds of pro-lifers recently gathered in Staffordshire for SPUC’s 2023 Youth Conference, the largest of its kind in the UK.

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Last night, The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) reacted with disappointment after MPs voted to ban even silent prayer around abortion facilities.

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Stirling University Students’ Union has suspended the Catholic Society after they shared a post promoting pro-life vigils in Scotland.

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A river in the UK is set to be granted “rights” by a district council after the passing of a protective motion.

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Dr John Bruchalski is an obstetrician and gynecologist who was once an abortionist. He lives in Virginia in the United States, where his Tepeyac Family Center operates as a pro-life haven for mothers in crisis pregnancies. “Children are not STDs”, says Dr Bruchalski in an interview with Public Discourse.

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United States, Abortion, Pregnancy, Pro-life, Medical
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On 15 February 2023, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) ruled in Commonwealth v Peter Ronchi that the defendant who stabbed to death his nine-month pregnant partner was also liable for the death of the full-term baby.

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Abortion, murder, fetus, trial
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