Entries for 'Assisted Suicide'

An English Anglican priest has written an open letter to his elderly mother who is considering assisted suicide to explain why “I don’t want to live in that sort of a society”. When a nation opens that “Pandora’s box of nastiness”, Reverend Giles Fraser warns, “it is the most vulnerable in our society who will be most at threat… One day, that vulnerable person might be you.”

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Assisted Suicide
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Former Conservative MP Nadine Dorries has written that the death of her husband from cancer reinforced her view that assisted suicide is wrong and should not be legalised.

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Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, UK, Nadine Dorries
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Research published in the Journal of Medical Ethics has found that doctors in the UK are “less likely” to resuscitate patients in the aftermath of Covid-19; a significant number of doctors cited “resource limitation” as a contributing factor.

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COVID-19, Assisted Suicide, UK, Do Not Resuscitate, Hospital, Medical
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The General Synod of the Church of England has voted overwhelmingly against assisted suicide legislation being introduced by the UK Government. “Sanctity of life is central to our understanding as Christians”, said the retired GP who called for the vote.

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Assisted Suicide, Church of England, General Synod, Meacher Bill
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SPUC's Liam Gibson writes that, "It is not possible to claim that the legalisation of assisted suicide will only affect the individuals involved and not human beings collectively. As with the right to liberty, the voluntary renunciation of the right to life means it ceases to be inalienable. The understanding of a human right once altered, is altered for everyone."

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Assisted Suicide
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Sydney’s Archbishop, Anthony Fisher, has spoken of his own experience of severe illness as he opposes a proposed assisted suicide bill in New South Wales.

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Australia, Assisted Suicide, New South Wales, Catholic
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New South Wales Premier Dominic Perrottet has spoken out against a proposed assisted suicide bill in the Australian state that would “open a door that no one can close”. SPUC has commended Perrottet’s “principled” leadership and his “conscientious” stand against this “dangerous” bill.

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Australia, Assisted Suicide, New South Wales, Premier Perrottet
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