Entries for 'Daniel Frampton'

According to media portrayals, pro-life men and women who attend prayer vigils outside abortion facilities are religious lunatics, a quaint hangover from the Middle Ages when burnings at the stake were considered light entertainment – a twelfth-century Netflix minus the subscription fee.

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It takes some effort to fish for the LEAST obvious answer to the question of why abortion increased by 19% in the space of twelve months in Scotland.

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SPUC’s Dr Daniel Frampton encounters six compelling artworks spanning 900 years of art history, including film, and examines each work from an openly pro-life perspective... This week, George Lucas’s “Star Wars”.

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SPUC’s Dr Daniel Frampton encounters six compelling artworks spanning 900 years of art history, including film, and examines each work from an openly pro-life perspective... This week, Tracey Emin's "From the Week of Hell".

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SPUC’s Dr Daniel Frampton encounters six compelling artworks spanning 900 years of art history, including film, and examines each work from an openly pro-life perspective... This week, William Blake's "Infant Joy".

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SPUC’s Dr Daniel Frampton encounters six compelling artworks spanning 900 years of art history, including film, and examines each work from an openly pro-life perspective... This week, Leonardo da Vinci's "Study of the Fetus in the Womb".

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SPUC’s Dr Daniel Frampton encounters six compelling artworks spanning 900 years of art history, including film, and examines each work from an openly pro-life perspective... This week, Duccio's "Madonna and Child".

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Abortion, Pro-life, Daniel Frampton, Art History, Painting, Madonna and Child, Duccio di Buoninsegna
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SPUC’s Dr Daniel Frampton encounters six compelling artworks spanning 900 years of art history, including film, and examines each work from an openly pro-life perspective... This week, the 12th century murals at Hardharm Church in Sussex.

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Abortion, Pro-life, Daniel Frampton, Art History, Painting, Medieval Murals
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Daniel Frampton, blogpost. There is something especially unmanly about a man who supports abortion rights. It isn’t only that to support abortion today is just too easy – and it is easy, especially for a young person subject to the pressure of their peers, and at a university.

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Abortion, G. K. Chesterton, Chivalry, Men, Blog, Masculinity, Fatherhood
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Given the many divisive issues currently shaking the United States, including its president, the abortion debate might not seem so obvious or pressing, though it is just as bitter. The 50 million lives lost to abortion since the infamous Roe v Wade decision in 1973 is a frightful statistic that, despite the current situation, ought to give us some pause for thought.

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Abortion, Supreme Court, Roe Vs. Wade, United States, President Trump
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J. R. R. Tolkien, the noted English don and author of The Lord of the Rings, wrote that, as “a Christian, and indeed a Roman Catholic”, he did “not expect “history” to be anything but a ‘long defeat’ – though it contains (and in a legend may contain more clearly and movingly) some samples or glimpses of final victory”. Indeed, The Lord of the Rings is, in part, a meditation on what may be dubbed Tolkien’s theology of the “the long defeat” – a theology that pro-lifers must themselves embrace, as an informing pro-life ethic, if we are to work towards “final victory”.

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Abortion, Catholic, Culture, J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord Of The Rings
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The English Catholic author G. K. Chesterton was one of the great pro-life advocates of the twentieth century in more ways than one. Although he might appear something of an antique figure in 2020, his values and pro-life message, which he lived every day, have much to say to us now.

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Abortion, Catholic, Culture, G. K. Chesterton, Women, Chivalry, Sex, Marriage
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It might surprise some to learn that one of the great works of twentieth-century war literature carries a pro-life message. Evelyn Waugh’s Sword of Honour trilogy (1952-61), set at the time of the Second World War, is a neglected work, no doubt, compared to the author’s most famous novel, Brideshead Revisited, but it might just be Waugh’s masterpiece.

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Abortion, Catholic, Evelyn Waugh, Second World War, Culture
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Robert Winston recently addressed the controversy surrounding the pro-eugenics views of an aide who worked at No. 10 Downing Street. Writing in The Sunday Times, Winston revealed his own hypocrisy, as a leading supporter of IVF and the expendability of embryos, by claiming he was “deeply conce...

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IVF, Robert Winston, Ethics
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Charlotte Pence Bond, daughter of Vice President Mike Pence, shows that the pro-life movement in the United States is positive, compassionate and pro-woman. A new generation of pro-life leaders is emerging across the Atlantic. Charlotte Pence Bond, only 26-years-old, has risen to prominence ...

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United States, Abortion, Charlotte Pence Bond, March For Life, Leadership
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Politicians and journalists cannot resist misrepresenting prayer vigils when it suits their pro-abortion agenda, as was proved recently after a peaceful gathering outside a Finsbury Park abortion clinic. On Saturday 8 February, supporters of the anti-abortion group Helpers of God’s Pre...

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Abortion, Buffer Zones, Language, Free Speech
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