SPUC England supporters unite at webinar finale marking significant milestone in the campaign to end pills by post

In a remarkable show of solidarity and determination, SPUC England supporters came together to attend the highly successful webinar finale on how to end the dangerous pills by post policy. The focus of the event was to address and strategise against the policy that has stirred widespread concern across the UK.

The virtual gathering, held on 23 November, drew in pro-life participants from across England, all united in a shared commitment to safeguard the sanctity of life, as well as the wellbeing of women.

SPUC has been at the forefront of advocating for the rights of unborn babies and mothers and has been leading the campaign to end the pills by post policy.

SPUC’s online webinars delved into the disastrous impacts of the policy. Through its virtual events, SPUC aimed to equip supporters with the necessary tools and information to contribute to the success of the campaign, making the UK a safer place for precious unborn lives and their mothers.

Addressing the risks posed to women and the challenges in regulating the policy, SPUC highlighted the need for collective strength to bring about change. The webinar served as a platform to share insights into the specific implications of the policy in England.

Bringing about lasting change for women and unborn babies

Michael Robinson, Executive Director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), said: “SPUC's successful webinar finale marks a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to end the reckless pills by post policy.

“As SPUC England supporters take the information learned from the event back to their communities, the conversation around the pills by post policy will gain further momentum.

“Through the dedication and commitment of pro-life supporters, we are certain that together we can bring about positive and lasting change in the UK, making the future a safer place for unborn babies and their mothers.”

SPUC England supporters unite at webinar finale marking significant milestone in the campaign to end pills by post

In a remarkable show of solidarity and determination, SPUC England supporters came together to attend the highly successful webinar finale on how to e...

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