SPUC Wales supporters combat deadly pills by post policy at successful SPUC event

In a significant milestone for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), Welsh supporters gathered virtually on Thursday, November 16th, for the first webinar in the Campaign to End the Pills by Post Policy.

SPUC’s online webinar delved into the disastrous impacts of the pills by post policy on mothers and unborn babies. SPUC aims to equip supporters with the necessary tools and information to contribute to the success of the campaign and ultimately make the UK a safer place for precious unborn lives and their mothers.

Addressing the risks posed to women and the challenges in regulating the policy, SPUC highlighted the need for collective strength to bring about change. The webinar served as a platform to share insights into the specific implications of the policy in Wales.

Attendees were actively engaged in the discussion, sharing their perspectives and gaining valuable information on how they can actively support the fight to save lives. The easy-to-use Zoom Meeting ID and Passcode, provided by SPUC, facilitated seamless participation in the virtual event.

The success of the Welsh webinar sets a promising tone for the upcoming events in Scotland and England on November 21st and 23rd respectively. SPUC looks forward to harnessing the energy and commitment demonstrated by its supporters in Wales as the campaign gains momentum across the UK.

As SPUC continues to mobilize its supporters nationwide, the impact of these webinars is expected to resonate in the ongoing efforts to end the Pills by Post Policy and create a safer environment for both mothers and unborn babies.

Stay tuned for updates on SPUC's website as the campaign progresses, and as supporters unite in the shared mission to protect the sanctity of life.

Prioritising the safety and sanctity of life

Michael Robinson, Executive Director of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), said: “The turnout and engagement from our Welsh supporters is truly inspiring. It underscores the shared commitment to protecting the well-being of mothers and unborn babies.

“As we navigate this crucial campaign, the dedication of our supporters in Wales sets a powerful precedent for the impact we can collectively achieve. Together, we will work tirelessly to ensure the Pills by Post Policy is replaced with measures that prioritize the safety and sanctity of life.”

Further information and registration for SPUC’s upcoming webinars can be found here.

SPUC Wales supporters combat deadly pills by post policy at successful SPUC event

In a significant milestone for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC), Welsh supporters gathered virtually on Thursday, November 16t...

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