2023 SPUC Torchlight Procession commemorates 10 million unborn lives lost to abortion in UK

Yesterday, 26 October, SPUC’s annual Torchlight Procession took place in Glasgow to commemorate the millions of unborn lives lost to abortion in the UK since the passing of the 1967 Abortion Act. The peaceful vigil was attended by hundreds of pro-life men, women and children.

The Torchlight Procession is a peaceful vigil organised by SPUC that takes place each year in October to mark the anniversary of legislation that legalised abortion in England, Scotland and Wales.

Since 1967, over ten million unborn babies have been killed by abortion in the UK. In the first half of 2022 alone, there were 123,219 abortions in England and Wales, not including the 16,584 abortions in Scotland across the entire year, which saw a surge in unborn deaths.

On Thursday evening, pro-life participants gathered in George Square, from where they processed through the city centre to St. Andrew’s Cathedral, where Mass was then celebrated.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “It was moving to see so many pro-life individuals commemorating the millions of lives lost to abortion since 1967. Each man, woman and child were a light for life in the abortion darkness, ensuring that these unborn babies are never forgotten.

“It has been said that ‘a single death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic’. But every unborn death is a personal disaster for the baby involved, since its life is denied, its future stolen.

“At a time when abortion is surging in the UK, it is more important than ever before that we stand up for these lives. Only then can we begin to create a world where abortion is unthinkable.

“When pro-lifers gathered in Glasgow last Thursday, they also came together in determination to build a better world where no life is so wantonly thrown away. We must all be the change we want to see in the world, and that change starts now.”

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2023 SPUC Torchlight Procession commemorates 10 million unborn lives lost to abortion in UK

Yesterday, 26 October, SPUC’s annual Torchlight Procession took place in Glasgow to commemorate the millions of unborn lives lost to abortion in...

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