Pro-lifers celebrate victory for unborn on anniversary of Roe v. Wade repeal

Roe v. Wade was overturned by the US Supreme on what was a “monumental day” for the unborn last year, 24 June 2022, as reported by SPUC. One year later, pro-lifers from around the United States gathered in Washington, DC to mark the first anniversary of the ruling and “demand equal protection” for unborn babies.

Pro-lifers gathered at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC on Saturday for the Celebrate Life Day Rally, marking the anniversary of the repeal of Roe v. Wade last year.

Lila Rose, a noted pro-life leader and founder of Live Action, was one of the speakers at the event. “We demand equal protection for preborn children”, she said.

“I urge you to join me in demanding equal protection for all and in demanding a society that truly values all human life – a society that recognizes and upholds the rights of our most vulnerable, the preborn…

“These tiny lives possess incredible potential and should be celebrated and protected. It is a tragic contradiction that while our society celebrates advancements in prenatal care and technology, we simultaneously deny… the personhood and rights of these very same children.”

Mike Pence, the former vice president under President Trump, also spoke at the Lincoln Memorial. He urged his fellow Americans to “support women in crisis pregnancies with resources and support for their care, for the unborn, and for the newborn as never before”.

“One year ago today, because of your work, and because of your prayers, the Supreme Court of the United States reversed Roe v. Wade”, Pence continued.

“It is amazing to think that we are here in this historic place, after 50 years of innocent life loss, and broken hearts… Men and women of the pro-life movement, let us never relent in the cause of life.”

30,000 unborn lives saved since June 2022

A recent study reported that there were cumulatively 32,260 fewer abortions in the US between July and December 2022 compared to the previous year, a dramatic decline attributed to the repeal of Roe v. Wade.

Since the report came out, thousands more lives have likely been saved as a direct result of the US Supreme Court’s overturning of the infamous 1973 ruling that legalised abortion.

A pro-abortion group has estimated that there could be 60,000 fewer abortions in the US this year.

SPUC also reported that abortion in Texas fell by up to 97% last year in the wake of the US Supreme Court ruling.

Changing the abortion narrative

SPUC’s Michael Robinson, Executive Director (Public Affairs and Legal Services), said: “We must not underestimate the importance of last year’s seismic ruling that changed the narrative on abortion forever.

“Until last year, the unrelenting destruction of millions of unborn lives was taken for granted. Many people, on either side of the abortion debate, could not envision a world where abortion was unthinkable. Not now.

“While the US Supreme Court’s decision last year intensified the abortion issue and brought about a wave of pro-abortion militantism and violence, it is increasingly difficult for pro-abortion apologists to cover up the destructive ideology of abortion.

“That pro-abortion politicians and activists have sought to intimidate and even lock up pro-lifers, even in the UK, is a sure sign that they are losing their grip on the abortion narrative. Pro-lifers around the world are increasingly empowered and believe they can make a real difference.

“What was once a dream is now becoming reality. We must not of course be complacent. One battle has been won in a broader struggle for the right to life of the unborn. But we can all take heart in the (at least) 30,000 lives saved already. It is a wonderful thing that these people were allowed to live. It is a good thing that they are alive.”

Pro-lifers celebrate victory for unborn on anniversary of Roe v. Wade repeal

Roe v. Wade was overturned by the US Supreme on what was a “monumental day” for the unborn last year, 24 June 2022, as reported by SPUC. ...

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