Pro-abortion violence erupts in US as Supreme Court moves to overturn Roe vs Wade

Multiple incidents of pro-abortion violence and vandalism have taken place in the last few days in the United States. They follow the leak of an initial draft majority opinion indicating that the US Supreme Court is set to overturn the 1973 Roe vs. Wade ruling that legalised abortion in the country.

The office of a pro-life organisation, Wisconsin Family Action, was damaged in a suspected arson attack last week. The attack appears to be yet another example of pro-abortion extremism in the US.

Investigators also found graffiti inside the office that read: “If abortions aren’t safe, then you aren’t either.”

The local police authority later released a statement saying that it would continue “to support people being able to speak freely and openly about their beliefs… Any acts of violence, including the destruction of property, do not aid in any cause.”

In yet another incident, a Catholic church in Colorado was defaced with pro-abortion graffiti, including such messages as, “My body my choice”, “Abortion Saves Lives” and “Keep your religion off our bodies”.

A bronze statue of the Virgin Mary was also desecrated with red paint. An Archdiocese of Denver spokesperson said it was “unfortunate to see people acting out like this”.

In another incident of pro-abortion violence, an activist swung a bike lock at a pro-life speaker’s head.

“I was a little surprised, but in a way, not fully because I’m expecting this right now”, said the speaker, David Giuggio. “I dodged it, but it came at my head, and I was grabbed, my arm was grabbed. I was pushed, and he was trying to specifically hit me in the head.”

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “We must never forget that abortion is violence, against women and unborn children. We should not be surprised, then, that apologists for such a violent ideology sometimes turn to violence to intimidate pro-lifers.

“For the sake of truth, justice and the unborn, violence in all forms must be opposed.”

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Pro-abortion violence erupts in US as Supreme Court moves to overturn Roe vs Wade

Multiple incidents of pro-abortion violence and vandalism have taken place in the last few days in the United States.

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