“Pro-Life Spiderman” climbs 1,070ft skyscraper to champion women and decry abortionists

Maison Des Champs, 22, the “Pro-Life Spiderman”, climbed San Francisco’s tallest building this week to raise awareness about abortion and help raise money for mothers.

Last Tuesday, Des Champs, a climber in the United States, ascended the 60-story Salesforce Tower in San Francisco. It appears that the student targeted the building because pro-abortion Salesforce last year offered to relocate staff from Texas after the U.S. state passed the “Heartbeat Act”, prohibiting abortion once an unborn child’s cardiac activity has been detected.

Des Champs, a pro-lifer, reached the top of the Salesforce Tower safely after climbing the building without ropes. It is his stated aim to peacefully raise awareness about abortion and call out abortionists, including Cesare Santangelo.

Aborted remains were recently discovered outside Dr Santangelo’s abortion facility. Pro-lifers have called for an investigation into the infamous abortionist who was caught claiming that he would refuse treatment to abortion survivors.

As well as calling out Dr Santangelo, Des Champs also seeks to raise money for pro-life charities that help mothers choose life for their babies.

“The mission is simple”, says Des Champs: “Destroy what is evil and protect what is innocent… Not to blame women but instead to support them. Women have become victims of cultural and societal pressures.”

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “Maison Des Champs’s valiant act on behalf of mothers and their unborn children shows that men, too, have a vital role to play in calling for justice for all the lives hurt by abortion.

“It is so important that men involve themselves in the pro-life movement and turn their talent, imagination and chivalric instincts to campaigning for a world without abortion and helping mothers and their children.

“While the task may seem insurmountable, Maison shows that where there is a willingness to act, there is always hope. While there is, of course, a mountain to climb, we have already begun our ascent.”

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“Pro-Life Spiderman” climbs 1,070ft skyscraper to champion women and decry abortionists

Maison Des Champs, 22, the “Pro-Life Spiderman”, climbed San Francisco’s tallest building this week to raise awareness about abortio...

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