Dutch doctors can now euthanise people with dementia without final consent

The Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) has changed its official position on euthanasia for people with severe dementia – backing doctors who end a patient’s life without gaining final consent.

Until now, Dutch doctors have been advised by KNMG to avoid euthanising patients who cannot communicate their wishes clearly.

However, a Dutch Supreme Court ruling in April 2020 changed the issue of liability when it ruled that a doctor, who had ended the life of a patient with severe dementia, had not committed a criminal offence, despite not having gained final consent.

The Regional Euthanasia Review Committee accordingly changed its code for doctors treating dementia, stating that doctors are the best judge of whether a dementia patient is “suffering unbearably” – this being one requirement for lawful euthanasia – and that doctors do not have to gain consent in such cases.

Now, doctors must only gain prior consent, when the patient was able to submit a written request, meaning that final consent at the time of euthanasia is no longer required.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “It is not for doctors to decide what is for ‘the best’ for a patient when that means killing them.

“Allowing doctors to become administers of death is also a direct contradiction of what it means to be a doctor.

“We must resist all attempts to introduce this dangerous practice here in Britain, and instead promote a society where every human life is valued, respected and given proper care.”

Take action

Please respond to the consultation on the proposed Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adult (Scotland) Bill.

This dangerous practice must not be made legal in any part of the UK. Please act now.


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Dutch doctors can now euthanise people with dementia without final consent

The Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) has changed its official position on euthanasia for people with severe dementia – backing doctors who...

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