“Victory for free speech”: “Cancelled” pro-life priest is restored to university chaplaincy

Father David Palmer, nominated to be chaplain at the University of Nottingham, was “cancelled” because of pro-life tweets in line with Catholic moral teaching. After an outcry and threats of legal action, as reported by SPUC, Fr. David has now been restored to the chaplaincy. SPUC has welcomed this development as a “victory for free speech and freedom of religion”.

Fr. David is an unapologetic pro-lifer and Catholic who has spoken out on behalf of the unborn around the world.

Slamming U.S. President Joe Biden, he posted on Twitter that Biden’s presidency was promoting the “slaughter of unborn babies”.

Fr. David has also condemned euthanasia and assisted suicide as the “killing [of] the vulnerable”.

While the University of Nottingham claimed to “respect” the Catholic faith and “the robust exchange of views” on campus, it said that Fr. David’s views were not welcome. His nomination to be the campus Catholic chaplain was accordingly blocked.

Responding to his “cancellation” at the time, Fr. David said: “Anyone is allowed to disagree with what the Catholic church teaches, but to say you cannot teach the Catholic position, even to Catholics, is crazy.”

University backs down

After a public outcry, including from SPUC, the University of Nottingham has now performed a U-turn and un-cancelled Fr. David “with immediate effect”.

Fr. David has welcomed the decision, stating that he can “now look forward to getting on with the role of being the Catholic chaplain”.

The Bishop of Nottingham, Patrick McKinney, who nominated Fr. David in the first place, is also very pleased with the outcome.

“Having seen the pastoral work Fr. David has undertaken”, said Bishop McKinney, “I have every confidence that his presence on campus will be a blessing both for those of the Catholic community, and others in the wider university family who engage with the multi-faith environment”.

“A significant victory”

Michael Robinson, SPUC Executive Director (Public Affairs), said: “This is a significant victory for Catholic students, free speech and the pro-life community, as well as for the unborn, who have a champion in Fr. David.

“SPUC is glad to see that the University of Nottingham has reconsidered its contradictory and deeply biased decision to ‘cancel’ a Catholic priest for being a Catholic priest.

“The suppression of free speech – in this case, the free speech of pro-lifers upholding the right to life of the unborn – cannot and should not be tolerated, especially when the lives of millions of unborn babies are at stake.

“While this undoubted victory should be appreciated and welcomed, ‘cancel culture’ is ongoing and will not relent until it is made clear that such ‘cancellations’ are simply unacceptable.”



“Victory for free speech”: “Cancelled” pro-life priest is restored to university chaplaincy

Father David Palmer, nominated to be chaplain at the University of Nottingham, was “cancelled” because of pro-life tweets in line with Cat...

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