Catholic priest blocked from university appointment because of pro-life tweets considers legal action

Father David Palmer, “cancelled” by the University of Nottingham, having his appointment to its chaplaincy revoked for advancing Catholic moral teaching, is now considering legal action.

As SPUC reported in August, Fr. David was nominated to be the Catholic chaplain at the University of Nottingham, but was blocked because of his social media tweets slamming abortion and euthanasia.

One such comment made on Twitter by Fr. David condemned U.S. President Joe Biden, stating that his presidency was promoting the “slaughter of unborn babies”.

While claiming to “respect” the Catholic faith and support “the robust exchange of views”, the University of Nottingham said that Fr. David’s views were not welcome.

Fr. David, responding to the “policing of [his] thought and expression”, has said that he may now seek legal action if appropriate.

“I think if we don't challenge these sorts of things, it gets worse, not better”, he said. “More things will get cancelled, more things will be stopped and there will be more policing of thought and expression.

“Anyone is allowed to disagree with what the Catholic church teaches, but to say you cannot teach the Catholic position, even to Catholics, is crazy…

“We live in a free society and a university of all places is supposed to be somewhere where we have that freedom to discuss different ideas.”

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “The University of Nottingham claims to welcome faith and ‘robust’ debate, yet it cancelled a Catholic priest for being a Catholic priest.

“The university’s pathetic explanation, attempting to justify what amounts to blatant anti-Catholic bigotry, is contradictory and nonsensical.

“SPUC supports anyone seeking to fight back against ‘cancel culture’ and the suppression of free speech.

“This is not simply a matter of religious freedom, but a matter of freedom for all of us – which, as SPUC has reported frequently, is now under threat more than ever before.”

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Catholic priest blocked from university appointment because of pro-life tweets considers legal action

Father David Palmer, “cancelled” by the University of Nottingham, having his appointment to its chaplaincy revoked for advancing Catholic moral teachi...

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