Mum of premature miracle baby urges parents not to give up hope

The mum of premature miracle baby is urging other parents not to give up hope.

Brave mum, Sarah Clemence from West Cornwall delivered her daughter, Amara, at just 25 weeks gestation.

Baby Amara was born with three different bleeds on her brain and developed septicaemia. Doctors predicted that the tiny baby had a slim 20% chance of survival, and if she did survive would live with severe learning difficulties.

Doctors suggested that Amara’s family should gather to say goodbye to her.

Sarah said: “I saw a consultant who said if I had the baby and it showed no sign of trying to fight, they’d have to let it die. I wouldn’t wish hearing that on anyone.”

Miraculously, Amara grasped on to life and defied the odds stacked against her.

She is now a happy 11-year-old girl who is finishing primary school and enjoys horse riding.

Mum Sarah said: “Amara has done everything we were told she wouldn’t.

“I don’t want to give the wrong impression that all premature babies will be fine but I want people to know they’re stronger and more resilient than we think."

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “Children like Amara remind us of just how valuable and remarkable human life is.

“We hear many stories now of premature babies fighting for life that defy expectation and continue to pass milestones. Advances in medical care at the beginning of life have transformed the prospects of survival for premature babies.

“Each human, no matter how tiny and weak or disabled should be given an opportunity to thrive. Parents should not lose hope.”

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Mum of premature miracle baby urges parents not to give up hope

The mum of premature miracle baby is urging other parents not to give up hope.

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