Miracle baby born 15 weeks premature saved by bubble wrap and sandwich bag

Baby Larenz Carr, born 15 weeks premature, was saved by doctors using bubble wrap and a sandwich bag as a makeshift womb. 19 months later, miracle baby Larenz is thriving.

During a 20-week scan, Larenz’s parents, Vickie and Rohan Carr, were told by medical staff that their precious baby was not growing anymore.

“They told me they wanted to keep my baby in my tummy for as long as possible… It was terrifying. I had no idea if my baby would make it”, Vickie recalls.

At 25 weeks, doctors discovered that Vickie’s placenta was failing. Medical assistance was required. Vickie was sent to a neonatal unit for an emergency c-section.

At St. Michaels Hospital, Bristol, doctors then came up with an ad hoc solution to support tiny Larenz by recreating his mother’s womb using a sandwich bag and bubble wrap to support his little body.

Despite the unusual solution, baby Larenz’s life was secured.

Vicki said: “He was the same size as my hand and so transparent. He looked shiny, like he was covered in oil… Seeing him in the bubble wrap – I had never seen anything like it.”

Larenz remained in ICU for 3 months.

19 months after the birth, he weighs 20lbs and is flourishing under the love and care of parents Vickie and Rohan. He has also begun nursery.

“He’s our little miracle”, says Rohan.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “It is awe-inspiring to see that Larenz was able to survive and thrive after timely intervention and support, despite his tiny size.”

“Even if the means to save his life were unusual, the duty and calling to protect life was fulfilled by medical staff. Larenz might be small, but the love of his parents is huge.”

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Miracle baby born 15 weeks premature saved by bubble wrap and sandwich bag

Baby Larenz Carr, born 15 weeks premature, was saved by doctors using bubble wrap and a sandwich bag as a makeshift womb. 19 months later, miracle bab...

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