It is “wise and sensible” to abort a baby with Down’s syndrome, says Richard Dawkins

British ethologist and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins has said it is “wise and sensible” to abort a baby with Down’s syndrome. Michael Robinson, SPUC Director of Communications, said: “These chilling comments highlight the discrimination and ill treatment that people with Down’s syndrome endure today.”

Richard Dawkins aired his views on a recent Radio 1 discussion with presenter Brendan O’Connor, who has a child with Down’s syndrome.

Mr O’Connor brought up a 2014 Twitter exchange between Dawkins and a woman who said she wouldn’t know what to do if her unborn baby was diagnosed with Down’s Syndrome. Dawkins replied to the woman, saying: “abort it and try again.” He went on to claim that “it would be immoral to bring it into the world if you have a choice”.

During the Radio 1 interview, Dawkins retracted his 2014 comments, saying he “put it a bit too strongly”, but “I think it would be wise and sensible” to abort a baby with Down’s syndrome.

He said: “Given that the amount of suffering in the world probably does not go down, it probably does go up, compared to having another child who doesn’t have Down’s syndrome… you probably would increase the amount of happiness in the world more by having another child instead.”

Mr O’Connor asked Dawkins what evidence he had to support his claims. Dawkins was forced to admit that he had no evidence.

The Radio 1 presenter concluded the interview by stating: “Children who are so called perfect can cause terrible suffering in the world as well, but I suppose we have no way of checking, have we?”

Radio listeners have flocked to social media to praise the presenter for his discussion with Dawkins. One Twitter user wrote: “So impressed with the calm professional way Brendan spoke with Richard Dawkins. If I was in his place I am not sure I could have remained so calm.”

“Children with Down’s syndrome bring joy to many families”

SPUC’s Michael Robinson said: “The comments from Richard Dawkins are deeply insensitive towards people with Down’s syndrome. Down’s syndrome is a congenital chromosome disorder. This does not mean that such individuals do not have value or live and happy lives.

“Unfortunately, the comments from Dawkins are also indicative of the barbaric trend towards aborting babies with Down’s syndrome and other disabled babies viewing them as a ‘burden’ not worthy of life. It’s a barbarism which is tragically entrenched in our society towards the most vulnerable, defenceless human beings to whom a civilised society should provide love and protection.

“Countless families have described how their child with Down’s syndrome brought them joy and happiness” Michael Robinson concluded.


It is “wise and sensible” to abort a baby with Down’s syndrome, says Richard Dawkins

British ethologist and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins has said it is “wise and sensible” to abort a baby with Down’s syndrom...

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