No charges in investigation into the discovery of 2,246 aborted baby remains in “appalling” abortionist’s home

A U.S. investigation into the discovery of 2,246 aborted babies on the property of the late abortionist Dr. Ulrich Klopfer has announced that no charges can be filed since Dr Klopfer is dead and no one else is thought to be responsible.

Dr Klopfer, known as Indiana’s “most prolific” abortion doctor, aborted thousands of unborn babies in the state in a career that spanned decades.

He was a medical director at various women’s health clinics until 2016, when he was suspended. Dr Klopher’s suspension followed numerous complaints, including his failure to report the abuse of a 13-year-old girl whose unborn baby he aborted.

After his death on 3 September 2019, the remains of thousands of aborted babies were discovered by his family at his residence, as reported by SPUC at the time.

“The remains, mostly found in moulding boxes and old Styrofoam coolers containing large, red medical waste bags, were in various states of decay”, a statement has said.

“Each remain appeared to have been placed in a small, clear, plastic specimen bag for purposes of being medically preserved in a chemical suspected to be formalin, a formaldehyde derivative. However, many of the bags degraded over time and/or suffered damage, resulting in leakage from the individual bags into the outer bag, box, or cooler.”

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “Dr Klopfer’s appalling treatment of the remains of the unborn babies he aborted goes hand in hand with the widespread abuse of the unborn in the United States and around the world.

Dr Klopfer’s callousness towards unborn babies coupled with his attitude to child abuse is tragic, but perhaps not surprising in someone working in an industry founded on the exploitation of the vulnerable.

“As with the case of the notorious abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who collected the body parts of unborn babies in jars after he aborted them, such horrific cases underscore the abortion industry’s fundamental contempt for humanity.

“This must stop.”

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No charges in investigation into the discovery of 2,246 aborted baby remains in “appalling” abortionist’s home

A U.S. investigation into the discovery of 2,246 aborted babies on the property of the late abortionist Dr. Ulrich Klopfer has announced that no charg...

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