No, treatment for an ectopic pregnancy is not an abortion

“If I left it any longer, I wouldn’t be here” said TV star Charlotte Crosby, as she bravely opened up about her ectopic pregnancy.

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when an embryo gets stuck and implants in the woman’s fallopian tubes. If an embryo implants in the fallopian tubes, it will not develop correctly and will die. If the embryo is not removed, the mother will die also.

Charlotte, who is known for her reality TV roles, was told by a doctor in 2016 that her pregnancy was ectopic, and without urgent treatment she would likely lose her life alongside her unborn child.

Opening up about her devastating ordeal, Charlotte described how the pregnancy had caused her fallopian tube to split open. She had been internally bleeding for atleast a week, and if the embryo was not removed, she would die.

As a result, Charlotte’s right fallopian tube with her unborn child inside was removed. After this procedure she grieved for her lost baby and took the time to heal her body.

Charlotte is not alone in her heart-breaking ordeal. In the UK, 1 in 90 women will experience an ectopic pregnancy.

It is often claimed by pro-abortion advocates that pregnancy can endanger a woman’s life, and that abortion is vital to save her. When these cases are presented, pro-abortion advocates will often be referring to ectopic pregnancies. Yes, they are correct that ectopic pregnancies are dangerous. They are not correct in stating that abortion is carried out to save the woman’s life. Treatment for an ectopic pregnancy is not an abortion.

223,102 unborn children were killed by abortion during 2019 in Britain. Abortion is the intentional destruction of an unborn life, with the primary intent to kill.

When removing the human embryo during treatment for an ectopic pregnancy, the intent is not to target or destroy this innocent life, the intent is to save the life of the mother.

When an unborn baby dies as a tragic result of treatment administered to save a mother’s life, it is not intentional - it is the sad secondary result.

Despite colossal advances in medicine and technology, we still unfortunately do not have the correct technology which would allow doctors to move the embryo from the fallopian tubes into the womb, where it can continue to develop. Consequently, if the mother’s life is to be saved, the fallopian tube with the human embryo stuck inside can be removed.

This is a devasting ordeal for women. Their experiences should not be tainted with negative and violent words such as abortion.

Treatment for an ectopic pregnancy cannot and should not be considered equal to an abortion.


Grace Browne
Grace Browne
Communications Officer

No, treatment for an ectopic pregnancy is not an abortion

“If I left it any longer, I wouldn’t be here” said TV star Charlotte Crosby, as she bravely opened up about her ectopic pregnancy.

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