Pampers deliver 200,000 tiny nappies to premature babies in “adorable” gesture

Over 200,000 tiny nappies have been delivered to families across Canada in an “adorable” gesture to mark Prematurity Awareness Month. The campaign, #pampersforpreemies, is supplying premature babies around the globe with tiny nappies.

Pampers have said that the creation nappies suited to premature babies “was a decision designed to help parents who otherwise would have no means of securing nappies for their little ones. It seems like a small thing to most of us, but to parents of premature babies it is big.”

The initiative has been praised by mothers and families around the world.

One social media user said: “All babies need a lot of love and care, but when it comes to premature babies – they need it even more.

“A new mom of a preemie goes through a-lot. It is even more difficult to take care of these tiny humans as they are really tender and delicate. I’m so glad that Pampers have addressed this very important concern of moms and have taken this initiative.

“These diapers were created by Pampers with even the help of NICU nurses – to wrap even the most vulnerable premature babies, weighing as little as 500 grams, in the trusted comfort and protection of a Pampers diaper.”

SPUC comment

An SPUC spokesperson said: “This initiative is an adorable gesture from Pampers which recognises that even the tiniest and most vulnerable humans are still deserving of love and care.

“Last month we saw Sainsbury’s launch a similar initiative when they revealed their clothing range designed specifically for premature babies.  It is heartwarming to see some of the tiniest human lives recognized and cherished.”

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Pampers deliver 200,000 tiny nappies to premature babies in “adorable” gesture

Over 200,000 tiny nappies have been delivered to families across Canada in an “adorable” gesture to mark Prematurity Awareness Month. The ...

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