Pro-life leaders unite to praise Poland’s “global lead” in its brave stand in protection of unborn children

International pro-life leaders, including SPUC’s CEO John Smeaton, have joined to applaud Poland’s brave stand and commitment to the unborn child.

In a video released by LifeSiteNews, the site’s Co-Founder John-Henry Westen, as well as Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life, Abby Johnson, the author of Unplanned, and SPUC’s John Smeaton, offered their heartfelt respect, gratitude and praise to Polish Catholics in particular for standing up for “the truth about the sanctity of human life before the entire world” while “under intense attack encouraged by the worldwide media”.

The pro-life leaders also expressed their shock at the intimidatory violence directed towards Catholics in the aftermath of a Constitutional Tribunal judgment that abortion in the case of disability is unconstitutional.

As SPUC reported last week, pro-abortion protestors attacked a priest and other Catholics, defaced Catholic statues and disrupted Masses in Poland in response to the Tribunal’s decision.

SPUC’s CEO, John Smeaton said: “We applaud the Polish people who have taken a stand in protection of unborn children and, as you now come under intense attack encouraged by the worldwide pro-abortion media. Thank you Poland for standing up for your churches, and may laity, priests and bishops, and political leaders continue to stand together, both in Poland and around the world, to continue fearlessly to defend human lives without exception from the moment of conception. Now is the time not to weaken but for us all to stand together – and thank you Poland for giving such a wonderful global lead.”

Mr Smeaton added: “It would be difficult to overestimate the significance of this judgment in the global struggle to defend human life from conception and our pro-abortion enemies in powerful international institutions understand that fact only too well.”


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Pro-life leaders unite to praise Poland’s “global lead” in its brave stand in protection of unborn children

International pro-life leaders, including SPUC’s CEO John Smeaton, have joined to applaud Poland’s brave stand and commitment to the unbor...

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