Pro-abortion violence erupts against Catholics in Poland

Pro-abortion protestors have attacked a priest, defaced Catholic statues and disrupted Masses in Poland in the aftermath of the country’s Constitutional Tribunal judgment that abortion in the case of disability is unconstitutional and that unborn children with a foetal anomaly must be protected.

It has been reported that a Catholic priest in the Polish town of Myślibórz was attacked during a protest earlier this week against “eugenic” abortion. He was hit repeatedly in the face and stomach by a protestor.

Meanwhile, in Wołowin, a short distance from Warsaw, a man was injured while he and other Catholics created a human shield around a statue of Pope St. John Paul II that protestors were attempting to attack.

Outside a church in the same town, several Catholics were also assaulted by protestors who accosted them as “defenders of the Cross”.

Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki of Poznan, responding to the extreme reaction by pro-abortion protestors to the court judgment, stated that “the vulgarities, abusive daubing, service disruptions and profanations seen in recent days are not a proper form of action in a democratic state, however much they may help certain people relieve their emotions”.

SPUC comment

SPUC’s Daniel Frampton said: “The rage directed towards Catholic pro-lifers in Poland is appalling, though it pales in comparison to the violence done against babies in the womb, which courageous pro-lifer Poles are at this moment rallying to protect.

“Violence, whatever the context, whatever the point of view, is never justified. Pro-abortion ideology is rooted in violence. It is therefore not surprising when pro-abortion activists embody this aggression and violence in their actions.”

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Pro-abortion violence erupts against Catholics in Poland

Pro-abortion protestors have attacked a priest, defaced Catholic statues and disrupted Masses in Poland in the aftermath of the country’s Constitution...

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