Good news, bad news - irony as Government invests in saving babies initiative whilst funding mass abortion

The UK Government continues to dedicate resources rightly to “saving babies” from premature births whilst simultaneously funding the mass slaughter of babies through abortion.

In the House of Commons, Minister for Mental Health, Suicide Prevention and Patient Safety Nadine Dorries outlined the Government’s initiative to protect babies inside the womb called Saving Babies’ Lives.

The Saving Babies’ Lives programme for NHS England outlines measures to protect babies inside the womb. Measures include reducing smoking in pregnancy, raising awareness of reduced foetal movement and decreasing premature births.

However, since 2006, the Department for International Development (DfID) has given over £300 million worth of taxpayers’ money to abortion giant Marie Stopes International (MSI). MSI kills an average of 4.8 million unborn children each year. Meanwhile, babies continue to be killed in Britain, with Government support.

The double standard is chilling and must not be ignored.

The abortion industry is dedicated to weeding out and killing the most vulnerable and defenseless members of our society: the unborn. Yet, simultaneously, the Government has established well-intentioned initiatives such as Saving Babies Lives to protect unborn children from danger. The unborn babies that they are trying to protect are the same children that are routinely killed inside the womb with government funding. Is this willful ignorance on the Government’s part? Or is this the same mind-numbing hypocrisy which for decades has dictated how unborn children are perceived and treated in our society?

Humans are deserving of protection and respect both inside and outside of the womb. Our humanity cannot be dictated by our location.

This is not the first time that the pro-life community has had to highlight the glaring contradiction in the Government’s treatment of unborn children.

In 2019, new viability guidelines called on doctors in the UK to resuscitate babies born prematurely at 22 weeks while doctors continue to abort babies until 24 weeks and in some cases months later. Pro-life groups around the country called out this violent hypocrisy: a protest which ultimately fell on deaf ears.

How can the government rightly protect unborn children from premature births whilst also offering  funding to kill them through abortion? How can doctors work to save babies born at 22 weeks whilst continuing to rip others apart until 24 weeks? How can NHS online pregnancy information refer to unborn children as ‘babies’ whilst coldly calling them ‘a pregnancy’ in abortion information?

The efforts being made to protect and save the lives of vulnerable babies, whilst other unborn children continue to be killed exposes a shocking contradiction at the heart of our health service.

It is vital that all human life regardless of location, development or ability be treated with dignity and respect.


Grace Browne
Grace Browne
Communications Officer

Good news, bad news - irony as Government invests in saving babies initiative whilst funding mass abortion

Grace Browne, blogpost. The UK Government continues to dedicate resources rightly to “saving babies” from premature births whilst simultan...

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