An Easter Message From SPUC

My dear friends of life,

Easter is the most important time in the Christian calendar. A time when we remember Christ’s triumph over the cross, and give thanks for the redemption afforded by his resurrection. For me, those same themes of sacrifice and hope are at the core of the pro-life movement. We are a much-needed social movement that lives in hope whilst enduring sacrifice to witness to the truth.  United by our humanity, we are individuals who speak for the voiceless.

The Coronavirus pandemic, cannot be far from any of our minds at this time. It has brought home to us just how interconnected we need to be. It has highlighted how the strong have a duty to protect the weak, and how vulnerable humans are entitled to protection and care. It has also highlighted how we suffer when socially disconnected. For many of us, these are uncertain times. People are suffering and dying from viral infection;  many confined to their own homes are feeling isolated and individuals are anxious about loss of income and lack of employment.
As a human family, our response to COVID19 has illustrated our capacity for change, to play our part and have greater responsibility for our neighbour.

However, as you know if a society is to be judged on how it treats its most vulnerable members (unborn children),I’m afraid, we are not doing too well. The media and the politicians have become numb to the reality that life in the womb is being lost on such a terrible scale and that so many women are suffering as a result. At the time of writing, there have been 1,441,128 confirmed deaths due to Coronavirus. How sad that the crisis has been used as an excuse to impose the death sentence on more of the unborn, as politicians remove protections from the unborn and abortion providers market postal abortion kits.

But the suddenness of how the whole world has changed may also give us pause to reflect on the scale of the pro-life challenge - to dismantle the culture of death - it appears a daunting prospect. Change is possible and although there is much darkness, my colleagues and I are continuously inspired by the shining light of your steadfast dedication to the unborn.

Courage is contagious and there is much cause for hope.  This year the March for Life (USA) attracted a record number of 750,000 participants, including a youth group from SPUC. This past year also saw many thousands of school children receive pro-life talks from SPUC. We have also a record number of politicians working with SPUC in building a culture in Parliament that respects the right to Life. At a local level we are also seeing a surge in pro-life activism and a dramatic increase in new SPUC branches being established. These are important efforts on which we build for the future. The bishop of Paisley recently commented that “The Pro-Life Generation is really growing”. The war to end abortion is being advanced with such work. It will be won through the victories in the hearts and minds of our friends, family and colleagues.

With 53 years of legal abortion, we do not have the ability to change the past. But we can change the future. Together we can build a pro-life tomorrow.

With thanks for the sacrifice you make for the movement and in hope that we will build a life affirming society.

An Easter Message From SPUC

Michael Robinson
Michael Robinson
Director of Communications and Campaigns

An Easter Message From SPUC

My dear friends of life. Easter is the most important time in the Christian calendar. A time when we remember Christ’s triumph over the cross, a...

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