25 January 2000


British fertility clinics have won their battle to be allowed to use frozen eggs in in vitro fertilisation. The Assisted Reproduction and Gynaecology Centre, London, has been granted a licence by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA). The HFEA, which had thought that freezing eggs was risky, says that it was persuaded by new research. Freezing eggs for subsequent IVF is mainly done when a woman is about to have cancer-treatment which threatens fertility. [http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_618000/618236.stm]

Mr George W Bush is said to be limiting his exposure to the press after being put under pressure over abortion. The issue dominated the contest for the Republican nomination in Iowa and could re-emerge elsewhere. President Clinton has said that the future of abortion would be decided at the next election, since his successor could appoint new supreme court judges. [The Times, 25 January, 2000]

A British woman is using state legal funding to sue a condom-manufacturer for 120,000 pounds after the contraceptive allegedly failed. Mrs Marian Richardson, a beauty-consultant, has a four-year-old daughter and is claiming for, among other things, the cost of a larger car, loss of income, and compensation for damage to her relationship with her boyfriend. LRC Products, the manufacturer, prints a warning on its products to the effect that no contraception is 100% reliable. The company says that Mrs Richardson could have taken a morning-after pill after discovering the alleged fault in their product. [BBC website, 24 January 2000]

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25 January 2000

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