Miracle premature baby born in car during snowstorm is thriving

A baby who was born prematurely in a car during a dangerous snowstorm has beaten the odds and is now thriving.

Despite not being due to be born until May 2021, baby Amari from Texas was born extremely prematurely at just 25 weeks old.

When Amari’s mum Helen experienced contractions her husband decided to drive her to hospital. However, due to the treacherous snowstorm that was engulfing the state of Texas, the couple became stranded by the roadside in their SUV.

Brave mum Helen gave birth to their daughter in the backseat of the car. Tiny baby Amari was born weighing less than two pounds and could fit in her mother’s hand.

Amari’s parents took action to ensure the car was warm to keep their baby alive and continued making their way to the hospital.

Dr. Vijay Nama, Baylor University Medical Center NICU Director, said: “To be born in a car, when it’s freezing outside and no help, these babies often get really cold. They get sick. They have breathing problems. So it’s pretty amazing that a baby who had no medical care at birth is doing so well. So that is very unusual.”

Doctors have described how baby Amari is now thriving. She has beaten the odds and is expected to return home in May to enjoy life with her family.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “We are overjoyed that, despite the treacherous circumstances, this strong baby and brave mother are both doing so well.

“Amari means miracle in Hebrew, and that’s exactly what this baby is.”

Miracle premature baby born in car during snowstorm is thriving

A baby who was born prematurely in a car during a dangerous snowstorm has beaten the odds and is now thriving.

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