118 unborn babies saved from abortion during 40 Days for Life vigils

118 unborn babies have been saved from abortion during the first week of the worldwide 40 Days for Life vigils. Michael Robinson, SPUC Director of Communications, said: “We are overjoyed to hear this news. This proves just how vital a pro-life presence outside abortion clinics is.”

The 40 Days for Life vigils consist of 40 days of prayer, fasting and public prayer outside an abortion facility. Launched at the end of February, 567 cities are participating worldwide.

According to 40 Days for Life, 18,107 unborn babies have been saved from abortion, globally, 109 abortion clinics have closed and 211 abortion workers have left the abortion industry, since 2007.

SPUC’s Mr Robinson said: “The precious lives of unborn babies have been spared from abortion thanks to the prayer and practical support made available to their mothers through pro-life vigils. This is fantastic news.”

Pro-life vigils save lives

40 Days for Life has recently shared images of determined pro-lifers standing in sub-zero temperatures, acting as a last lifeline for unborn children and their mothers.

Last year, SPUC reported on how a couple rejected abortion and chose life for their child, after speaking with a pro-life advocate outside a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in the US.

The father said that the conversation with pro-life advocates highlighted just how much pro-lifers care about unborn babies. This led the couple to cancel their abortion appointment, and choose life for their unborn child.

SPUC’s Mr Robinson said: “It is devastating to think about the women who are blocked from receiving support due to buffer zones which ban pro-lifers from standing outside abortion clinics and offering support.

“Every year hundreds of women decide not to have an abortion because they encounter a pro-life counsellor outside an abortion facility. This vital pro-life work usually involves a small number of courageous people who pray quietly and offer a lifeline to women.”


118 unborn babies saved from abortion during 40 Days for Life vigils

118 unborn babies have been saved from abortion during the first week of the worldwide 40 Days for Life vigils. 

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