“I adopted a baby with Down’s syndrome and I’d do it again” says proud mum

A proud mum has described how her adopted son with Down’s syndrome fills her with joy and that she has no regrets over her adoption decision.

The mother, described how she had struggled with infertility and when she was in her thirties she decided  to apply for adoption. She soon received Harry’s profile. Harry, who has Down’s syndrome, was four months old and waiting for a loving family to adopt him.

After six months of applications, the excited mother was allowed to take her son Harry home.

She said: “Harry was a dream from day one… My family were overjoyed when I adopted Harry…

“To me, Harry is just a boy. Some days, I completely forget that he has Down’s syndrome.
“There are so many kids out there who need a home. I would absolutely encourage people to adopt a disabled child, as they can be the hardest to place but have so much love to give….
“A few months ago, I was in the park playing with…Harry when he blurted out the best words a mum can imagine: ‘I love you’ – before giving me a bear hug.”


“I adopted a baby with Down’s syndrome and I’d do it again” says proud mum

A proud mum has described how her adopted son with Down’s syndrome fills her with joy and that she has no regrets over her adoption decision.

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