Former manager denounces Planned Parenthood’s “contraceptive mentality” which “creates a market for abortion”

A former clinic manager, Ramona Treviño, has denounced Planned Parenthood’s “contraceptive mentality”, saying that it “creates a market for abortion by promoting promiscuity” specifically among the young.

Antonia Tully of the SPUC Safe at School campaign said: “Ramona Treviño has made all the right connections and is exposing Planned Parenthood’s true agenda. The abortion industry has been infecting the culture with a contraceptive mentality for decades. And the primary target is young people.”

“Contraception and abortion are two sides of the same coin”, said Ms Treviño, who worked for Planned Parenthood in a contraception clinic on the understanding that she “was working to prevent abortions… or so I thought”.

Ms Treviño said that Planned Parenthood encourage a “contraceptive mentality” among the young that “creates a market for abortion by promoting promiscuity and providing men and women [with] a false sense of security against an unintended pregnancy”.

Relating her experience of working in a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas, Ms Treviño spoke of how the organisation deliberately targets young people, knowing that they “lack the self-control and brain development to use contraception correctly and consistently”, leading to more unwanted pregnancies. “Planned Parenthood is telling your kids it’s okay to have sex as long as they use ‘protection,’ knowing full well that their ‘protection’ will fail.”

“Contraception propaganda has poisoned generations against human life”

Antonia Tully said:

“Contraception propaganda has poisoned successive generations against the value of human life. Here, as in the US, much of that propaganda has been channelled through schools. However, despite the aggressive and corrupting sex education which continues to be taught in schools in the UK, we have seen a dramatic decline in under-18 abortions in England and Wales since 2009. And teenage pregnancies halved between 2007 and 2015.

“Critically, this decline has not been due to classroom sex education. Even the abortion provider BPAS has admitted that the reduction in teenage pregnancies is due to a reduction in risky behaviour.

“What we are facing now in England is the introduction of pernicious compulsory school lessons on relationships, with an emphasis on same-sex relationships. This is certainly contributing to the abortion culture by undermining parents and perverting the minds of young children. No wonder Planned Parenthood is so openly aligned with the LGBT lobby.”

Keeping “the blood money flowing in”

Ms Trevino was clear that promoting contraception was key to sustaining abortion, since “promoting abstinence, self-control, or monogamous marriage does not keep the blood money flowing in”.

“Sex is how Planned Parenthood meets its abortion quotas”, Ms Treviño affirmed.

According to Ms Treviño, it is in Planned Parenthood’s interests to make sure that “sexual immorality”, especially among the youth of America, is “accepted and normalized” by first using contraception to create a “culture that says, ‘No more babies, please’”.


Former manager denounces Planned Parenthood’s “contraceptive mentality” which “creates a market for abortion”

A former clinic manager, Ramona Treviño, has denounced Planned Parenthood’s “contraceptive mentality”, saying that it “creates a market for abortion b...

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