Over 50,000 unborn children killed at home in England and Wales in 2019 under DIY home abortion policy

New statistics have revealed that during 2019 in England and Wales, 52,235 unborn children were killed at home by chemical abortion. Michael Robinson, SPUC Director of Communications said: “These innocent dead children were unique and unrepeatable. They were essentially killed in the homes in which they might have been raised and they have had their futures snatched away by abortion.”

The statistics which were released yesterday by the Department for Health and Social Care, revealed that a total of 209,519 unborn children were killed by abortion England and Wales during 2019. This is the highest number since the Abortion Act came into force in April 1968.

The data has exposed the horrible reality behind one of the Government’s most recent regulations, DIY home abortion.

In 2018, the Government introduced new abortion regulations which permitted women to self-administer misoprostol, the second of two chemical abortion drugs, at home with no medical supervision or support.

The new report now highlights the result of the 2018 DIY home abortion policy. In 2019 in England and Wales, 52,235 unborn children were killed at home by chemical abortion. This equates to 36% of all chemical abortions in 2019.

SPUC’s Michael Robinson said: “These innocent dead children were unique and unrepeatable. They were essentially killed in the homes in which they might have been raised in and they have had their futures snatched away by abortion.

“Abortion is a violent and discriminatory practice which has no place in any so called civilised society. There will never be an acceptable level of violence against children. We will remember these lost lives and work towards re-building a society which respects and values the intrinsic worth of every human life.”

“Women should not be facing the mental anguish that accompanies DIY home abortion”

SPUC has also voiced concern over 241 women who underwent a chemical abortion in 2019 and who experienced medical complications including haemorrhaging, uterine perforation and sepsis.

These figures are estimated to be even higher as the report states “complications that occur after discharge may not be recorded.”

Mr Robinson said: “Abortion pills are presented as a safe and simple solution (often by researchers with close links to the abortion industry). They are, however, often harmful to women. Common side-effects include vomiting, severe pain and excessive bleeding. A recent Swedish study of women who had an early medical abortion at home found that 26% of women bled for more than four weeks."

“It is utterly unacceptable that drugs which carry such a severe complication rate are being distributed to women to self-administer with no supervision or support. Women should not be facing the mental anguish that accompanies self-administered chemical abortions, nor any abortion for that matter. These statistics show that women's health and well-being are being sacrificed at the altar of an extreme abortion ideology.”

“Reverse these reckless regulations and spare the lives of unborn children and their mothers”

Earlier this year in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government loosened these regulations even further to allow chemical abortion drugs to be mailed through the post. Women are then expected to perform their own chemical abortions at home without ever having met a doctor.

Mr Robinson added: “The awful reality of the Government’s most recent decision in April to slacken the DIY home abortion regulations even further in response to the COVID-19 pandemic will be revealed to us in the 2021 statistics. It is vital that the government reverse these reckless regulations immediately to spare the lives of unborn children and to protect women and girls from the danger and trauma invoked by chemical abortion drugs.”

SPUC has launched a national campaign calling on concerned citizens to contact their MP/MSP/MS calling on the Government to tell the truth about DIY abortions.  

If you, or anyone you know has been affected by abortion, please contact the Abortion Recovery Care and Helpline (ARCH) for free, non-judgemental, confidential support: 0345 603 8501 or info@archtrust.org.uk.

Over 50,000 unborn children killed at home in England and Wales in 2019 under DIY home abortion policy

New statistics have revealed that during 2019 in England and Wales, 52,235 unborn children were killed at home by chemical abortion. Michael Robinson,...

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