Swedish government to fund abortion in developing countries in dire need of COVID-19 PPE and ventilators

The Swedish government have announced that during the Coronavirus pandemic they will be providing $2 million towards promoting abortion in developing African countries that are in dire need of PPE and medical equipment to combat COVID-19. John Smeaton, SPUC Chief Executive said: “Every crisis is a reason to push abortion for the pro-abortion industry.”

According to a recent statement from the Swedish government’s International Development Agency (SIDA), the government will be providing a $2 million grant to DKT International, an international body that promotes population control and abortion. The $2 million provided by the Swedish government will fund abortion equipment to be used in sub-Saharan Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The $2 million grant will provide vacuum aspirators that will be used to perform suction abortions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The funding will also provide chemical abortion drugs that will be distributed across the African countries of Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Mozambique.

Abortion equipment instead of humanitarian aid or medical supplies

Developing countries across Africa are reported to have been devastated by COVID-19. There is an urgent need for PPE, ventilators and doctors. It has been estimated that in some African countries there is one qualified doctor for every 10,000 people, and some governments have only three ventilators per 1 million people. There are only 5,000 intensive care beds across the 43 African countries.

According to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the impact of the coronavirus pandemic could increase the number of people at risk of food insecurity and malnutrition from 17 million to 50 million people between June and August 2020. 30 million Africans are estimated to be forced into extreme levels of poverty.

In response to the crisis, SIDA stated: “The fight against COVID-19 threatens access to vital products and access to maternal care. It is extremely important to continue working on sexual and reproductive health and rights.”

Reportedly, SIDA are aiming to provide the population control body DKT International with the capacity to expand stockpile abortion equipment in developing countries before the coronavirus crisis creates a barrier in accessing the equipment.

“Channel Western funds to ease suffering, not destroy human lives”

Mr Smeaton said: “It is deplorable that during a time of great human suffering, wealthy Western nations deem it appropriate to spend millions of pounds on pushing abortion equipment into some of the world’s poorest regions, instead of supplying basic humanitarian aid to assist ease suffering.

“It is clear, that for the abortion industry, no matter how tragic the crisis, a reason to push and promote abortion will always be found.

“Western countries should direct funds away from destroying innocent lives and families in these developing regions, and instead channel funds to ease the suffering caused by Coronavirus.”



Swedish government to fund abortion in developing countries in dire need of COVID-19 PPE and ventilators

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