Abortion-providing organisations take advantage of COVID-19 pandemic to benefit themselves

Last week, over 100 NGOs, including The British Pregnancy Advisory Service and Amnesty International, joined the pro-abortion World Health Organisation in using the Coronavirus crisis to call for an expansion of services that would allow women to take abortion pills at home. John Smeaton, SPUC Chief Executive, said: “This joint move by pro-abortion NGOs in concert with the World Health Organisation is a repulsive but predictable attempt to use a global pandemic to further their anti-life, pro-abortion agenda.”

Over 100 pro-abortion NGOs issued a joint statement last week calling on European nations to ensure “timely access to legal abortion care” by introducing measures that – “at a minimum” – would “remain in place for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic”.

Employing the phrase “at a minimum”, the statement implied that these measures could/should remain in place permanently after the Coronavirus crisis has passed. Key measures would include:

  • Allowing doctors to prescribe abortion pills via telehealth consultations and allow women to take them at home.
  • Removing compulsory waiting periods and counselling requirements prior to abortion.

The pro-abortion NGOs exploiting pandemic

Since the release of pro-abortion guidelines by the World Health Organisation (WHO) seeking to exploit the Coronavirus pandemic, as reported by SPUC, other such organisations have now joined forces to push through through emergency measures that might well prove lasting.

A leading provider in the abortion business in the UK, The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), was one of the signatories of the statement. BPAS, whose clinics are rated amongst some of the worst in Britain for health and safety, has not been shy in promoting its pro-abortion agenda.

Other signatories included Amnesty International, which has considered abortion a “human right” for many years, and Humanists UK, which, despite claiming to consider “the rights and wishes of everyone involved” in an abortion, does not extend that consideration to the unborn child.

Mr Smeaton added: “Such leading providers of abortion services as BPAS have a vested interest in expanding abortion wherever possible to promote, safeguard and expand their business.

“That BPAS, amongst others, should add its name to a statement demanding a ‘guarantee’ that providers may ‘widely publicize information on how women can identify health care professionals willing and available to provide abortion’ is no great surprise considering its history as a leading provider of abortion.

“SPUC calls on European nations to reject the statement, which is nothing less than a Trojan horse designed to introduce, by covert and undemocratic means, permanent changes to abortion laws that serve only to benefit the providers themselves.”

Abortion-providing organisations take advantage of COVID-19 pandemic to benefit themselves

Last week, over 100 NGOs, including The British Pregnancy Advisory Service and Amnesty International, joined the pro-abortion World Health Organisatio...

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