The abortion industry and body parts. What happens after?

09  August 2019

By Grace Browne

Earlier this month on the BBC2 Victoria Derbyshire programme, we heard the distressing account of Laura Mann, who at 19 years old and 21 weeks pregnant, underwent an abortion.  Laura reflected with sorrow on her decision, revealing that after her abortion, she agonised over one basic question: "What happened to the body of my baby?"

Miss Mann said: "When I came out of the Marie Stopes clinic in Brixton, the first thing that went through my mind was ‘where is my baby, what’s happened to the body of my baby?’ and I kept asking myself that question. I questioned for months after months, nightmares and cold sweats, what happened to this baby’s body? "

So, let’s ask the question; when the deed is done, what happens to the dead?

Getting rid of the body


Last year in the United Kingdom 218,518 unborn humans were killed by abortion. But what happened to the 218,518 bodies? The fate of these tiny humans is broadly determined by what stage of foetal development they were at when killed.

In 2018, the government implemented a dangerous DIY abortion policy which allows for the second abortion drug, misoprostol, to be consumed at home, terminating the life of the unborn child in the very place in which he/she could have been raised. Last year in Scotland, where the DIY policy also came into force, just under 5,000 unborn humans were killed at home through DIY abortion. Presumably, these humans ended up flushed into our underground systems as though they were mere bodily waste.

The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) is one of the UK’s largest abortion providers. They specialise in the termination of unborn humans across Great Britain. In light of this BPAS’s website advises that mothers, whose unborn children they have aborted, can ‘Arrange a private service, burial or cremation’, have a ‘burial on private land’ or ‘scatter the ashes.’

Such advice simply underlines the nature of what BPAS is committed to doing. If the unborn human is referred to, as BPAS does, as ‘pregnancy remains’ or the ‘products of conception’, why is it deserving or even in need of a burial or cremation? Surely if the unborn is of so little value that it can be casually sucked through a tube or dismembered by forceps, it is not in need or deserving of a burial. The fact that an abortion- provider would offer such advice only highlights that the abortion giant is aware of exactly what they are doing. Archly, BPAS even offer parents the chance to take home their child’s body parts in an opaque carrier bag.

Leaving your child’s body with the abortion chain that killed them, will likely lead to the tiny body being incinerated with the ashes disposed of, not unlike the fate of those who had their humanity denied and lives taken throughout some of history’s most grievous human rights tragedies.

Not all unborn humans however will receive burials or cremations. Unending scandals continue to hit the headlines regarding the nauseating manner in which foetal bodies are handled.

Scandals, secrets and shame

Planned Parenthood sells baby body parts

In a series of undercover videos, Planned Parenthood executives have seemingly been caught haggling over the price of organs and other body parts harvested from aborted babies. Sipping a glass of wine over lunch, one Planned Parenthood Executive can be seen on the tape haggling over the price of foetal body parts with a fake undercover buyer.

She said: "Yesterday was the first time she said people wanted lungs. Some people want lower extremities, too, which, that’s simple. That’s easy. I don’t know what they’re doing with it, I guess they want muscle. I’d say a lot of people want liver. And for that reason, most providers will do this under ultrasound guidance, so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps. We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact."

Planned Parenthood issued a statement denying all wrong-doing and have accused the Center for Medical Progress of releasing a heavily edited video.

Marie Stopes dumps aborted babies in bin

A 2016 Care Quality Commission (CQC) report exposed 2,600 health and safety flaws occurring at Marie Stopes abortion chains across the country. The damning report which forced the abortion giant to temporarily halt much of their business, disturbingly uncovered the fact that the bodies of the tiny humans killed at the clinic were being carelessly dumped in open waste bins.

Aborted babies incinerated to heat UK hospitals

In 2014 the bodies of thousands of aborted and miscarried babies were incinerated and used to heat hospitals, an investigation found. As uncovered by Channel 4 programme, Dispatches, and reported by The Telegraph, the NHS admitted to burning foetal remains alongside rubbish whilst other bodies were sent to the ‘waste-to-energy’ plants which generate power for heat. One of the UK’s leading hospitals, Addenbrooke’s in Cambridge, incinerated 797 foetal bodies at their own ‘waste to energy’ plant. Another ‘waste to energy’ facility at Ipswich Hospital, operated by a private contractor, incinerated 1,101 bodies between 2011 and 2013.

Pepsi flavour enhanced by aborted baby cells?

According to LifeSiteNews, in 2010, PepsiCo signed a 4 year $30 million contract for research and development with biotech company Senomyx. Senomyx develops patented flavour enhancers by using "taste receptor-based assay systems." These receptors are made from human embryonic kidney cells. These cells, allegedly came from healthy, electively aborted human embryos. Using information from the human genome sequence, Senomyx has identified hundreds of taste receptors. These taste receptors produce a chemical signal that lets Senomyx researchers know they have achieved the exact flavour they are trying to develop for consumers to enjoy.

Dignity and respect in living and dying

Earlier this month, police officers in Brooklyn held a funeral for an abandoned 20-week old foetus named Monica whom they discovered this year. At Monica’s funeral, pro-life advocate Fred Trabulsi said: "Baby Monica, like all of us deserves dignity and respect in living and dying."

 It would be at-least less distressing to know that all unborn humans, like Monica, had ‘dignity and respect in living and dying.’ Unfortunately, this is far from true. So long as we continue to embrace and enjoy the ‘throw away culture’, where human life is cheapened and discarded at will, the ill-treatment of human life is likely to continue.

The knowledge that body parts used in beverages, to produce heat and for profit should be enough to shake us back into basic decency.


The abortion industry and body parts. What happens after?

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