Premature baby with “fighting spirit” beats COVID-19, E.coli and Sepsis

A baby who was born 15 weeks prematurely has been described as having a “fighting spirit” after he miraculously fought off multiple infections including COVID-19, E.coli and Sepsis.

Baby, Archie Edwards weighed a mere 1lb 11oz when he was born extremely premature. After being born without a heartbeat, Archie had to undergo 40 minutes of chest compressions where medics managed to save his life.

However, only 5 weeks after his birth, Archie caught E.coli  which consequently resulted in sepsis. Doctors were treating Archie when they decided to administer him with a swab test to check for coronavirus. The test came back positive.

Archie’s frightened parents, Sheree and Robert, described how they were terrified that they were going to lose their son, and were left “hoping and praying” that he would eventually pull through.

Dad, Robert, said: “I honestly thought we were going to lose him… I was frightened to death.

“When we were told he had Covid we thought it was going to be the last of it - it was the scariest moment of our lives.”

Miraculously, following weeks of treatment, brave Archie fought off these infections.

His proud dad said: “He's got no infections whatsoever now. He's still in hospital and he will stay until about March…

“And I cannot wait to have him home with us - safe and sound. He's our miracle baby and we couldn't be prouder of him.”

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “Archie has true fighting spirit and we are overjoyed that these brave parents will be able to return home to enjoy life with their son.

“This story shows us how just how strong human life is, and when it is given a chance it can find a way to thrive.”

Premature baby with “fighting spirit” beats COVID-19, E.coli and Sepsis

A baby who was born 15 weeks prematurely has been described as having a “fighting spirit” after he miraculously fought off multiple infect...

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