Mass burial held for the 2,411 dead unborn children found in home of abortionist

Mass burial held for the 2,411 dead unborn children found in home of abortionist 

A mass burial was held for the 2,411 unborn children found dead in the garage of notorious abortionist, Ulrich Klopfer. Speaking at the funeral in Indiana, Curtis Hill, Attorney General said: "These babies deserved better than a cold, dark garage or the trunk of a car." 

In 2019, SPUC reported on how the dead children were found packed into Ulrich’s garage following his death. Ulrich hoarded the dead bodies and sealed them inside plastic bags which contained chemicals to preserve them. Further remains were later found stuffed into the boot of Ulrich’s car. 

The remains were transferred to the Indiana District Attorney where, following an investigation, they were given a dignified funeral.

Speaking at the funeral, Curtis Hill, Indiana Attorney General said: "Keeping them together in rest, each of them are connected by their common fate.  

"Today, we finally memorialize the 2,411 unborn babies whose remains were senselessly hoarded by Dr. Ulrich Klopfer after he performed the abortions from 2000 to 2003. These babies deserved better than a cold, dark garage or the trunk of a car." 

Indiana is one of the few American states with a law which requires the burial or cremation of foetal remains following an abortion.  

Circumstances of "utter depravity"  

Klopfer was understood to be Indiana’s ‘most prolific abortion doctor’, who aborted thousands of unborn children over several decades. 

Klopfer was notorious within Indiana state for his repeated failings which included failure to report abuse, failure to maintain accurate medical records and failure to maintain acceptable health and safety conditions. 

Remarking on the situation, John Deighan, SPUC Deputy Chief Executive said: "This dreadful treatment of small human lives reveals the utter depravity at the heart of the abortion industry and demonstrates all too clearly just how abortionists, like Klopfer, view human life. 

"The burial of these children should serve as a wake-up call to our society and implore us to truly consider how we treat the tiniest and most vulnerable humans amongst us." 

Mass burial held for the 2,411 dead unborn children found in home of abortionist

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