World Medical Association supports conscientious objection to abortion and assisted suicide

The World Medical Association, an international confederation of medical associations representing physicians, has voiced its support for conscientious objection, including in cases of abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide.

The General Assembly of the World Medical Association has unanimously approved an addendum to its respected International Code of Medical Ethics. It’s Code now recognises the right to conscientious objection of physicians worldwide so long as “the patient’s health is not endangered”.

Stating that “on some issues there are profound moral dilemmas concerning which physicians and patients may hold deeply considered but conflicting conscientious beliefs”, the Code added that, “The physician must immediately and respectfully inform the patient of this objection and of the patient’s right to consult another qualified physician and provide sufficient information to enable the patient to initiate such a consultation in a timely manner.”

The updating of the Code follows a recent European Union resolution that, declaring abortion a human right, called on EU member states to “remove all barriers” to abortion and treat conscientious objection as “denial of medical care”.

In 2014, SPUC backed two pro-life midwives from Glasgow as they went to the Supreme Court in London to defend their right to refuse to be involved in abortions. While the Court concluded that they did not have to participate in abortion, it also ruled that they could not refuse to refer a patient to another midwife.

In another case in Sweden, two nurses were denied employment as midwives because of their refusal to perform abortions, as reported by SPUC. The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) declined to hear their case.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “This is an important and timely statement by the World Medical Association, particularly as abortion ideologues seek to persecute pro-life medical professionals abiding by the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm.

“It ought to go without saying that no one should be forced to participate in abortion. Abortion is a violent act that no person should be forced to be part of, including the unborn child.”

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World Medical Association supports conscientious objection to abortion and assisted suicide

The World Medical Association, an international confederation of medical associations representing physicians, has voiced its support for conscientiou...

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