SPUC slams Welsh Government’s decision to make deadly DIY home abortion permanent

SPUC has slammed the Welsh Government’s decision to make DIY abortion permanent – without even releasing the results of the public consultation on the subject.

Eluned Morgan, Minister for Health and Social Services, announced last night that the temporary arrangements introduced during the Covid-19 pandemic, which enabled women to take both pills for Early Medical Abortion (EMA) up to 9 weeks and 6 days gestation in their own homes, without the need to first attend a hospital or clinic, are being made permanent in Wales.

She referred to the public consultation on the policy, but does not appear to have released the results. In both England and Scotland, around 70% of respondents to equivalent consultations opposed making the measure permanent.

Inflicting damage to mothers and their babies

Alithea Williams, SPUC’s Public Policy Manager, said: “The DIY home abortion scheme has inflicted untold damage to countless mothers and their babies. The Welsh Government may think this decision is ‘progressive’, but was is progressive about leaving women to bleed away their baby at home, with no medical care? It is a return to backstreet abortions.

“It is also completely undemocratic. The original policy was introduced as an emergency measure, with no parliamentary scrutiny. Now, without the dubious excuse of a public health emergency, the Department for Health and Social Care has rubber stamped it, during recess. They have not even released the results of the public consultation, which, if they are anything like those in England and Scotland, overwhelmingly oppose making this dangerous and reckless policy permanent.

“The Welsh Government should release the consultation results immediately, and reverse this appalling decision which disregards the health and wellbeing of women.”

Dangers of the Scheme 

SPUC has been a vocal opponent of the DIY scheme since its launch, branding it a reckless and deadly measure.

During the two years of the scheme’s operation, an abundance of evidence has come to light showing just how dangerous the policy is.

This evidence includes:

· Freedom of Information requests made to NHS Trusts in England show that 5.9 per cent of women using abortion drugs are subsequently treated in hospital for complications arising from an incomplete abortion. Data from NHS Ambulance Services that indicate that on average 36 women every month make 999 calls seeking medical assistance for complications arising from having taken abortion pills.

· A mystery client investigation published by Christian Concern in 2021 also concluded that the policy is impossible to regulate. It found that pills could be obtained using false information since NHS numbers are not required and identity checks were not carried out.


SPUC slams Welsh Government’s decision to make deadly DIY home abortion permanent

SPUC has slammed the Welsh Government’s decision to make DIY abortion permanent – without even releasing the results of the public consult...

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