“I’m happy to be alive”: School pupil with disability thanks birth mother for not aborting her


A young school pupil who was born with a physical disability has thanked her birth mother for refusing abortion and allowing her to live. Pupil, Marin Carter said: "I enjoy every day that I’m alive, and sometimes, yeah, I get caught up in the emotions, but I’m happy to be alive."

Marin Carter, from the USA, revealed how her birth mother was four months pregnant, when doctors recommended abortion after they discovered that her unborn child, Marin, had a physical disability. Marin’s mother refused abortion and chose life for her child.

Now, in a viral video, Marin has come out to thank her mother’s brave decision.

She said: "I was born missing my hand and when my mum first found out about it she was about 4 months pregnant with me. The doctor immediately said abortion was an option.

"I’ve been on this earth 17 years. I enjoy every day that I’m alive, and sometimes I get caught up in the emotions, but I’m happy to be alive, and I’m glad that I was born this way. I’m glad that God made me this way and gives me challenges, gives me things that I have to face. Every day is a gift from God and it just pains me that some people will take that away from their children and take their children’s lives"

Eradicating disabled children

Michael Robinson, SPUC Director of Communications said: "Marin’s story is truly heart-warming. Despite the cruel recommendations from doctors, Marin’s mother made the courageous decision to cherish and protect her daughter. Sadly, not all unborn children are afforded this respect due to the barbaric abortion law which burdens over our nation and strips unborn children of their basic human rights each day."

The UK 1967 Abortion Act permits abortion until birth if a baby is suspected of having a foetal anomaly. In 2018, 3428 unborn children were killed by abortion following a possible disability diagnosis.

Surgical abortions that are carried out in the second trimester of pregnancy can involve using a sopher clamp to grasp and rip the limbs of the child. The head is clamped and crushed and the abortionist must assemble the body parts on a tray to ensure no remains are left in the womb.

Abortions carried out in the third trimester of pregnancy can involve administering unborn children with a lethal injection to the heart.



“I’m happy to be alive”: School pupil with disability thanks birth mother for not aborting her

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