The most premature babies ever born celebrate their 2nd birthday

Twin sisters Kambry and Keely, born on 24 November 2018, celebrate their 2nd birthday today after being born at 22 weeks at a weight of 15.8 ounces and 1 pound 1.3 ounces respectively – a world premature record recognised by Guinness World Records.

Each weighing the same as a loaf of bread, Kambry and Keely spent their first four months in the Stead Family Children’s Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Iowa.

Their mother, Ewoldt, had been told at 16 weeks that Kambry and Keely had twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, a potentially life-threatening condition where the twins were receiving a disproportionate blood supply. At 17 weeks, doctors successfully performed surgery to disconnect the twins’ blood vessels.

After the birth of her twins, Ewoldt drove one hour each way to visit them in hospital almost every day.

Ewoldt said: “It was hard to leave the NICU knowing that I was having to compartmentalize life… Leaving behind the twins, knowing I couldn’t take them home was painful.”

Until last month, both twins also had to receive oxygen after they developed breathing problems, a result of severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “This is a wonderful moment for Kambry and Keely, as well as their family, especially their devoted mother, Ewoldt. Being born at 22 weeks and surviving is astonishing. Given the chance, life will find a way to thrive.

“The doctors and medical staff at the Stead Family Children’s Hospital should also be commended for their expertise and dedication, which came to the aid of the twins.

“Happy birthday!”

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The most premature babies ever born celebrate their 2nd birthday

Twin sisters Kambry and Keely, born on 24 November 2018, celebrate their 2nd birthday today after being born at 22 weeks at a weight of 15.8 ounces an...

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