Counselling is available if you're considering abortion, or suffering after one

We also work with other pro-life organisations who offer counselling and practical support to women in crisis pregnancies.

If you are pregnant or have young children and are facing homelessness then LIFE can help - they provide a full support service to pregnant women in over 30 UK locations.

Good Counsel Network (GCN):Good Counsel Network provide a very wide variety of free emotional and practical support for expectant mothers, fathers, and families facing a crisis pregnancy and perhaps considering abortion.

Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative:Any woman, from any ethnic origin, any religion or none, faced with a crisis pregnancy is welcome to contact the Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative for help, whether practical or emotional.

ARCH (Abortion Recovery Care & Helpline) is a free and confidential service offering real understanding, counselling and supportive help to women, men and families after an abortion.

Rachel's Vineyard:A Rachel's Vineyard weekend is a chance to get away from all the daily pressures of work and family and focus on this painful time in your life through a supportive and non-judgmental process. The time away provides an opportunity to deeply enter the grieving process and identify all the ways your abortion may have affected you.

Counselling is available if you're considering abortion, or suffering after one

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