‘All I’m asking is that you respect my son’s life’ : Argentine father’s heartbreak

A father in Argentina has failed to prevent the abortion of his child. A court ruled against his injunction after the country legalised abortion last year.

Abortion up to 14 weeks was legalised in Argentina last year. Women can choose to abort for any reason.

Franco, from San Juan province, filed an injunction last month to stop his ex-partner from aborting their child at 12 weeks.

“As we disagreed… I suggested that she have the baby and give it to me. If afterwards she wants to go on with her life, she’ll be able to do so”, Franco told a local radio station.

“Everything is focused on women’s rights, but my child also has rights and no one can make a decision concerning him. I have already presented everything I have to the court. Now I hope, please understand, that I just want to give my child the chance to live.”

A judge ruled against Franco’s injunction, ruling that it was “totally unfounded and outside of the law to deprive any pregnant person in this instance of the possibility of exercising her right in accordance with the aforementioned law”.

Congresswoman Catalina Buitrago, of Buenos Aires province, spoke out for the father, stating that “today a dad is in tears before the court so they’ll let his child live. ‘All I’m asking is that you respect my son’s life.’ Let’s make Franco’s appeal be heard.”

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “This is the sad state of affairs in Argentina, and many other nations, as a result of the legalisation of abortion, a decision in which men such as Franco have been entirely excluded.

“A father has been placed in the outrageous position of having to beg for his child’s life. His wishes have still been denied, as well as the right to life of his unborn child.

“All Franco wanted was to save the life of his son. Here a father and his child have been deprived of fundamental human rights.

“The inhumanity of this court decision is plain to see.”

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‘All I’m asking is that you respect my son’s life’ : Argentine father’s heartbreak

A father in Argentina has failed to prevent the abortion of his child. A court ruled against his injunction after the country legalised abortion last ...

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