Adorable clothing range for premature babies launched by Sainsbury’s

Sainsbury’s has launched an “adorable” clothing range for premature babies to support “extra delicate little ones.”

The supermarket’s clothing line TU has teamed up with premature baby charity Bliss to create this new fashion line which hopes to “help new parents feel more confident and reassured when dressing their new-born for the first few times.”

The collection from TU is designed for tiny tots weighing between 2 – 4 lbs. The collection boasts a range of vests, hats, and baby grows which comes in a diverse style of prints and colours.

The cute collection has now been praised by mums across the UK.

One mum said that when her daughter was born prematurely four years ago, she struggled to find any clothes that would fit her little girl. She took to social media to praise Sainsbury’s for this “beautiful range.”

SPUC comment

SPUC spokesperson said: “This clothing line from TU at Sainsbury’s is not only adorable but it is also exceptionally thoughtful and heartwarming.

“Each year in the UK, thousands of babies are born prematurely and need special care and attention.

“The arrival of a premature baby can be a time of concern and anxiety for many parents. This new clothing line can help make a difficult time for parents a little bit easier.

“Each human life, no matter how small and vulnerable deserves love and care. TU’s consideration for tiny premature babies and their parents represents just that.”

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Adorable clothing range for premature babies launched by Sainsbury’s

Sainsbury’s has launched an “adorable” clothing range for premature babies to support “extra delicate little ones.”

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