
Unfortunately, the work we do at SPUC to save lives costs money - sometimes, a lot of money.

For example, we supported two Glasgow midwives, Connie Wood and Mary Doogan, in their legal battle to not be involved in abortions. That case has cost us £504,000: a huge amount which we have only been able to pay thanks to the generosity of our supporters. You can read more about their case and some of our past achievements here

Unlike the abortion industry, we don't get funding from the government or big business. We rely on volunteers to raise money to support our activities and campaigns, to protect mothers and their babies from abortions.

As well as donating to SPUC, you can help us by becoming a fundraiser and inviting other people to donate as well.

How to get started

You can make a donation to SPUC right now, or find out more about leaving a legacy for unborn children in the Donate section.

SPUC runs an annual fundraiser in communities (such as churches) called the White Flower appeal, which you can be a part of. You can support the White Flower appeal by volunteering to collect donations or by giving a donation.

You can also hold local events in your community such as a coffee morning - not only is this a great way to raise money, it's also a great way to socialise and make new friends!

We also hold a national SPUC sponsored event every year which you can collect sponsorship for. Recently, a team of young volunteers conquered the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge! And many of our volunteers decide to raise money for SPUC themselves by taking part in their own sponsored event.

These are just a few of the most common things hundreds of people like you are doing across the UK to raise money for SPUC. But don't be afraid to use your imagination, be inventive and plan your own fun activity to raise money as well.

Contact Carole Adamson on 01772 258 580 or email for more information.


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