Church leaders in Africa brace themselves against incoming Biden pro-abortion head of USAID

Joe Biden, U.S. president-elect, has announced pro-abortion Samantha Jane Power, the journalist and diplomat, as his nominee to be the head of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

In response, Church leaders in Africa say that “more than ever before, agents and structures of evangelization must be deployed to limit the damage to the sanctity of human life that seems already imminent in this appointment”.

Church leaders in Africa now expect a pro-abortion, anti-Christian “onslaught” to be headed by the incoming USAID leadership in the wake of Joe Biden’s nomination of Samantha Jane Power.

“People should at least know the truth”, said Bishop Emmanuel Badejo of Nigeria’s Oyo Diocese. “It is almost certain that the Church will suffer attacks for her opposing views”, referencing the Catholic Church’s pro-life stance.

“USAID will doubtlessly pursue an ideological and cultural onslaught against African religious and cultural values…”

“More than ever, Catholics in particular and Africans in general need awareness education so as to know what is really going on about the right to life and the gender ideological war.”

Bishop Badejo, who heads the Pan-African Episcopal Committee for Social Communication (CEPACS), has called on his fellow Africans to “refuse” the “poison” and offers of “harmful aids” that “will surely be tossed at needy countries” in return for surrendering to USAID’s renewed pro-abortion agenda under Biden.

“Pray, organize, communicate, and cooperate”, said Bishop Badejo.

Fr. Bonaventure Luchidio, the National Director of the Pontifical Missionary Societies (PMS) in Kenya, responded similarly, highlighting the “unethical and immoral” implications of moving to “attach strings that cut through the moral fabric and conscience of people to a development and humanitarian aid”.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “The way in which international aid is used by powerful Western nations to force an anti-life ethic on Third World populations is not at least lost on Church leaders in Africa who seek to protect their flock from the moral blight of abortion that has beset the United States and elsewhere. 

“The Trump administration at least provided Africa with a brief respite from the cynical ploys of foreign aid. Only a short time ago, USAID, under President Trump, censured the United Nations for using ‘crisis as an opportunity to advance access to abortion as an “essential service” during the COVID-19 pandemic’.

“As we can see, the choice of American president matters vastly for Africa’s unborn and whether USAID will be used for good or bad.

“We can expect further anti-life policies from Biden’s incoming administration, which is set to be the most pro-abortion presidency in history.”

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Church leaders in Africa brace themselves against incoming Biden pro-abortion head of USAID

Joe Biden, U.S. president-elect, has announced pro-abortion Samantha Jane Power, the journalist and diplomat, as his nominee to be the head of the Uni...

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